1-Soft Start in the Classroom
Do you start your day with a morning assignment, or do you start teaching right away? Over the last two years, I have reevaluated how I start my mornings at school. My students come into the classroom and can choose what they would like to do; read a book, talk to a friend, build a puzzle, or build with Legos. This allows them to acclimate back into the classroom. My students love coming in the morning and starting their day with choices. This will enable them to meet their needs met and interact with their friends. They can go to the bathroom, grab breakfast, talk to me, express any concerns, or tell a friend a funny story. These are just some of my morning routine examples.
Soft Start Ideas:
- read a book
- puzzle
- Legos
- blocks
- magnet tiles
- draw
- talk to their neighbor
- draw on the whiteboards
- Imagination Station
- Break Box
2-Soft Music in the Classroom
In the morning, when my students come in, I have soft music playing in the background while they are interacting with their friends. I choose a relaxing music video from youtube with a visually compelling motion picture so that I can project it onto my whiteboard. Some students sit and watch the fish swim by.
3-Soft Lighting in the Classroom
What is the best lighting in the classroom? I have added Christmas lights to my ceiling to soften the lighting in my room, along with two lamps. I have all of my main lights off during the morning. That way, it feels more peaceful and relaxing.
4-Gratitude Journaling in 5 minutes or less
I have my students take five minutes for their gratitude journal. They write down three things they are grateful for and a positive affirmation. Then, at the end of the day, we finish with “One thing I did today that made myself proud was…, who brought me joy, today, and the best part of my day was..”
5- Morning Meetings in the Classroom
My students love doing our morning meetings. I always ask them to share something like, “What was your favorite thing you did over the weekend?” “If you could do anything without failing, what would you do?” They love to share about their lives and hear about others’ lives. I always try to share with them so they get to know me throughout the year. Our morning meeting makes us feel like more of a family because we know each other.
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